Democrats want to spend trillions. That much is clear. How many socialist fantasies would cash in from the proposed spending is still somewhat unclear. Nevertheless, as Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) points out, Democrats seem determined to ram it through as immediately as possible.
The Democrats are all over the place.
The $3.5 trillion reckless spending plan may be a carbon tax, or a Medicare overhaul, or mass amnesty, or a tax on prescription drugs—they can't even decide what's in this bill.
But they want to pass it this week.
— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) September 26, 2021
Meanwhile, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California), does not want to talk about “numbers and dollars.”
Only a Democrat could get away with saying “let’s not talk about numbers and dollars” while trying to force through one of the largest tax increases in history.
— Retired Orrin G. Hatch (@RetiredOrrin) September 26, 2021
Yeah, because money grows on trees.
Democrats always want to pass their bills based on good intentions alone. The biggest con artists on planet, aided and abetted by the vilest and the most servile media on the planet.
— Sharma (@bansisharma) September 26, 2021
Ok, let's talk about abuse of power and confiscation of hard earned money.
— TryReason (@Try_Reason2) September 26, 2021
“Let’s not talk about dollars” – I think I’ll try that line out when the bill comes at lunch today.
— Brett Horton (@bretthhorton) September 26, 2021
I'm telling my bank the same thing.
— Captain Kangaroo Pimp (@SederVCU) September 26, 2021
The divide between reality and Democra-topia is continually growing.
Democrats control every lever of the federal government but are acting like powerless bystanders in the crises their own policies created.
— Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader) September 26, 2021
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