The media’s initial reaction is to … pounce on conservatives and right-wingers.
Then, they usually have to clean up their mess.
The Covington Kids and Jussie Smollett stories are the same. The media chose to believe the narrative that was most damaging to Trump supporters, even in the absence of facts or logic. This is why there is animus towards the media and why #fakenews resonates.
— Lisa Boothe (@LisaMarieBoothe) February 17, 2019
And general media response — to circle wagons, deny culpability, learn nothing, lash out, get worse — only confirms the arguments of those who criticize their poor performance.
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) February 17, 2019
This probably doesn’t come as a major surprise to Hemingway, considering she basically predicted that it would continue to happen on January 23rd, during the height of the changing Covington Catholic High School story.
‘BINGO!’ Mollie Hemingway sums up why media malpractice on Covington story might be just the tip of the Fake News iceberg
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) January 23, 2019
And she was right.
From Covington to Smollett, if a story seems perfectly constructed to fit a narrative, it probably is.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) February 17, 2019
And just like with Covington, the media was all too willing to help Jussie Smollett pull off his hoax and in the process frame Trump supporters in the court of public opinion before any actual facts came out.
— Andrew Surabian (@Surabees) February 17, 2019
They just can’t help but fall all over themselves to rush to publish a narrative that confirms their world view.
Dear Media:
Next time you’re baffled about why Trump supporters don’t believe a damn thing you report about the Russia scandal, please think back to how you handled Brett Kavanaugh, “Covington Catholic,” & Jussie Smollett… & then please blame yourself when Trump is re-elected.
— John Ziegler (@Zigmanfreud) February 17, 2019
Propping up Smollett is what happens when you learned nothing from Covington. Hysteria before facts.
— Erielle Davidson (@politicalelle) February 17, 2019
Fake Cohen story debunked by Mueller
The media has become so determined to destroy Trump they no longer care about facts or reporting
The media hates Trump much more than they love the truth
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) February 17, 2019
At some point, though, our beloved media should probably learn a lesson.
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