This morning on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Richard Engel reported on the Obama administration’s failure in Libya.
Libya was the Obama administration's 1st war of choice and they left the country to Mad Max militiamen @meetthepress
— Richard Engel (@RichardEngel) February 22, 2015
@RichardEngel @meetthepress – you're gonna get fired for reporting this stuff.
— Troll of Tears (@bigcliner69er) February 22, 2015
@RichardEngel @redsteeze @meetthepress If only there was someone who could ask Hillary about this.
— Jason (@jasonhsv) February 22, 2015
@RichardEngel This admin. Is clueless. Insular, hyper political.
— DanME (@DanME) February 22, 2015
We are governed by children. #media can't wait for Hillary#ageOfIdiocy
— Suhr Mesa (@suhrmesa) February 22, 2015
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) February 22, 2015
@RichardEngel @meetthepress and THAT is the record Hillary has to run on. #arabwinter
— Paul C ✈️ (@pcannella) February 22, 2015
@redsteeze these are the scary replies. People who think reporting the truth is now biased.
— Sarah (@sarah_wxtx) February 22, 2015
Scary and revealing.
@RichardEngel @meetthepress a little biased?
— Patty B. (@pattysmattyvt) February 22, 2015
@RichardEngel Reporting shows he does not like foreign policy of Obama admin. @meetthepress
— Taylor123 (@TaylorCsmss) February 22, 2015
@RichardEngel @meetthepress Beyond disappointed you`re putting your SPIN on so much of YOUR reporting.See Fox job offer coming your way!
— Teddy Watts(Eduardo) (@WattsTeddy) February 22, 2015
@RichardEngel @meetthepress Stop with the GOP talking points! Pres Obama does have a strategy. You dont like it. Tell the truth.
— Jim Watson (@jimj02155) February 22, 2015
It’s the same treatment that Sharyl Attkisson received while at CBS and reporting on the Benghazi scandal. If it isn’t what they want to hear, the messenger is attacked.
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