Political analyst Doug Schoen wrote an editorial for The Hill laying out why Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s rise in the primary polls spells bad news for Democrats.
"The rise of Elizabeth Warren spells bad news for the Democratic Party" https://t.co/Xk3N4k80Ng pic.twitter.com/FddFYTfH4A
— The Hill (@thehill) June 16, 2019
Here is part of his reasoning:
Simply put, this recent momentum from Warren spells bad news for the Democratic Party. The lawmaker from Massachusetts has centered her run around liberal big government policies that once only appealed to the left most fringes of the party. To be sure, her jump in the polls is indicative of how far left the party has moved and suggests that the party will nominate a radical candidate who is unpalatable to independents and moderates, two groups essential to beating Donald Trump in the general election.
But, you see, Schoen isn’t allowed to have an opinion because he goes on Fox News.
Oh, lord, people are getting a’skeered. Now we’re hearing from the Fox News Democrats. https://t.co/tQWygjLJgH
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) June 16, 2019
We are on the right path. Fox News Dems are muddying the waters. https://t.co/BnoJoy21jo
— Zachary Cobb (@ZachIsHere) June 16, 2019
The commentator class is the most out of touch, self-obsessed group to hold as much power as it does. Aside from politicians. https://t.co/oSpY2queEa
— Sean Newell (@dontforgetmac) June 16, 2019
Fox News contributor who opposed the Affordable Care Act and said Obama shouldn’t have run in 2012 thinks Elizabeth Warren is bad for the Democratic Party. https://t.co/TczDY7QtD7
— Jess Coleman (@jesskcoleman) June 16, 2019
How dare he have a take that is divergent from the party’s groupthink.
This is by former Clinton pollster, now FOX contributor Douglas E. Schoen. All his language here is RW. https://t.co/8LFvmr5iOd
— Bec (@beccanalia) June 16, 2019
Perhaps if they stopped to actually consider his methodology, they might see his point.
Maybe, but it's about the best news POTUS could ask for. https://t.co/8kcH0jYwwN
— Jazz Shaw (@JazzShaw) June 16, 2019
But no, Fox News bad, so Doug Schoen’s opinion = unacceptable.
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