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Based on early movements, it looks as if the Democrats' 2020 nominee will be a familiar face

New York Times reporter Alex Burns reports on five Democrats who seem to be making moves that would indicate presidential runs.

None of these names are surprising. It looks as if the Democrats’ 2020 field is shaping up to be very much like many predicted.


The one name not mentioned in the tweet is Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is attempting to repeat the coalescing of energy from the far left as he was able to do in 2016.

Or, it could be the fact that last time the Democrats and the media vastly underestimated Trump and are taking every possible precaution to not make assumptions this time.

All of these names are known quantities. With the exception of Sanders, they would have a shot at beating Trump.

But this is not an overly compelling group, and Democrats are in need of someone who can provide energy and charisma to oppose Trump.

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