CNN has a new article up that says doctors are not aware of the availability of monoclonal antibody treatments for COVID-19:
Doctors are often unaware of the only treatment for early Covid-19
— CNN (@CNN) October 26, 2021
That’s right. This is the very treatment that everyone said Gov. Ron DeSantis was wrong to publicize along with vaccines as Florida faced the Delta outbreak over the summer:
Ah, yes. The one that Ron DeSantis has advocated for harder than any other official in the U.S.
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) October 26, 2021
You know, maybe if CNN spent more time cheering on the DeSantis and other Republicans, more doctors would know about it? But, instead, we got articles like this:
With his Regeneron treatment, Abbott joined a list of high-profile conservatives, including Chris Christie, Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump, who relied on the therapy. But some scientists have been critical of the push for it over easier prevention methods.
— CNN (@CNN) August 19, 2021
Do better, CNN:
Main Stream Media Shocker Alert 🙄 CNN runs piece on monoclonals, plagiarizes all @GovRonDeSantis said months ago, refuses to mention Gov who was THE leader on this treatment, who rolled out statewide infrastructure for ~90% reduction in hospitalizations.
— Christina Pushaw 🐊 (@ChristinaPushaw) October 25, 2021
This really is a media problem but they won’t admit it:
If doctors do not know about monoclonal antibodies as a treatment for early Covid-19, they are negligent.
It's likely what saved Trump.
It should be widely used.
— Michael J. Stern (@MichaelJStern1) October 25, 2021
But don’t take our word for it. Here’s Retired Gen. Russel L. Honoré MAKING THIS VERY POINT:
Doctors are often unaware of the only treatment for early Covid-19 – CNN if @CNN would spend more time reporting this information vice Shooting on movie set . @CDCDirector still dragging aaa putting out the information about treatment
— Russel L. Honore' (@ltgrusselhonore) October 25, 2021
Better late than never?
This is what I would call a complete failure of politicians. They put pressure on hospitals not to offer anything but vaccines as a solution to COVID. It’s darn near criminal, and it makes me wonder whether doctors really care about their patients.
— Brian Wesbury (@wesbury) October 25, 2021
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