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Andy Richter is having trouble renting his son an apartment near USC for some inexplicable reason

Celebrity Andy Richter is having some trouble finding a studio apartment for his son near the USC campus in Los Angeles and he’s really mad at the landlord for asking for 6 months of rent up front from some inexplicable reason:


The landlord wants “frist and last month’s rent for deposit,” too:

And don’t you dare take the landlord’s side:

As for what’s causing landlords to ask for all that rent up front, well, that’s just a mystery that we don’t know will ever be solved:

This can’t be correct, can it?

Because AOC and The Squad promised the eviction moratorium would help!


We’ll go out on a limb here and guess that Richter doens’t work for free but landlords are supposed to:

And this really is perfect for the “Biden Voters Posting Their L’s Online account:


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