There’s a photo flying around of Gov. Ron DeSantis holding up a shirt that says, “YOUR MASK IS AS WORTHLESS AS JOE BIDEN” and as much as people from both sides might want it to be true. . .
Did Ron DeSantis Pose Holding an Anti-Mask T-Shirt? By @Alec_Dent
— Marian Cates (@MarianWCates) August 11, 2021
. . .it’s a fake:
A doctored image online shows Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis holding a T-shirt critical of face masks and President Biden. The original photo is from 2019 and shows DeSantis holding a Popeyes shirt.
— (@factcheckdotorg) August 11, 2021
The actual photo is from the governor’s visit to Burger King HQ in Miami back in 2019 when America was fixated on the new chicken sandwich from Popeyes:
One image shows Ron DeSantis with an anti-mask shirt, another shows him with a Popeyes shirt. We found that before the image was altered, DeSantis was pro-chicken:
— PolitiFact (@PolitiFact) August 12, 2021
Ah, to think that one day we may return to those simpler days.
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