Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis just wrapped up his annual State of the State address and there were many elements of it that will resonate well among conservatives.
For starters, Florida is open for business:
@GovRonDeSantis in State of the State address: "Because of our actions, Florida is leading the nation in the number of people submitting business formation applications and we are one of the top destinations for business relocation."
— Spectrum Bay News 9 (@BN9) March 2, 2021
Now, this *is* the message we need right now: “Friends, legislators, Floridians, lend me your ears: We will not let anybody close your schools, we will not let anybody take your jobs, and we will not let anybody close your businesses!”:
More from @GovRonDeSantis in State of the State address: "Friends, legislators, Floridians, lend me your ears: We will not let anybody close your schools, we will not let anybody take your jobs, and we will not let anybody close your businesses!"
— Spectrum Bay News 9 (@BN9) March 2, 2021
And he’s 100% correct here:
@GovRonDeSantis in State of the State address on schools: "The failure of so many places outside of Florida to open schools at the beginning of the school year will go down as one of the biggest policy blunders of our time.
Florida did not make that mistake."— Spectrum Bay News 9 (@BN9) March 2, 2021
He also defended his vaccination schedule:
@GovRonDeSantis in State of the State address: "Florida was right to prioritize the elderly. Seniors First works"
— Spectrum Bay News 9 (@BN9) March 2, 2021
DeSantis returned to the open-for-business theme:
@GovRonDeSantis in State of the State address: "
We have long been known as the Sunshine State – but, given the unprecedented lockdowns we have witnessed in other states, I think the Florida sun now serves as a beacon of light to those who yearn for freedom. "— Spectrum Bay News 9 (@BN9) March 2, 2021
And he said the state is in great fiscal shape having “not touched one red cent from our rainy day fun”Z:
@GovRonDeSantis in State of the State address on the economy: "Throughout the pandemic, Florida has not touched one red cent from our rainy day fund. The bottom line is that we saved Florida’s economy and as a result our budget outlook is positive."
— Spectrum Bay News 9 (@BN9) March 2, 2021
He also called for higher teacher pay:
@GovRonDeSantis on teacher pay during State of the State address: "The Legislature answered my call to increase the average minimum salary for teachers, taking Florida from the bottom half of states to the top 5. Let us keep this momentum going — let us do more this year!"
— Spectrum Bay News 9 (@BN9) March 2, 2021
And to spend more to protect the environment:
@GovRonDeSantis on the environment: "We also must continue to protect our natural resources and invest in improvements in water quality. I ask that you continue to fund the key projects – from the EAA reservoir in the south to the projects in the northern everglades, "
— Spectrum Bay News 9 (@BN9) March 2, 2021
Keep your eye on this plan as “resilient coastlines” is just a different way to say, “prepare for global warming”:
Polite applause only to @GovRonDeSantis call for $1B for resilient coastlines program. House Speaker @ChrisSprowls requested less — $100M per year.
— Bruce Ritchie (@bruceritchie) March 2, 2021
DeSantis then took a shot at the “defund the police” crowd:
@GovRonDeSantis On law enforcement: "We will not permit localities to jeopardize the safety of their citizens by indulging in the insane fantasy of defunding law enforcement. We will not allow our cities to burn and violence to rule the streets. "
— Spectrum Bay News 9 (@BN9) March 2, 2021
.@GovRonDeSantis: And we will not leave any doubt in the minds of those who wear the uniform that the state of Florida stands with you.
WATCH LIVE: https://t.co/zDa5Vwgyk7— CBS4 Miami (@CBSMiami) March 2, 2021
And he went after Big Tech:
@GovRonDeSantis On Big Tech: "Florida has always been a state that strongly supports free speech, and we cannot allow the contours of acceptable speech to be adjudicated by the whims of oligarchs in Silicon Valley.
— Spectrum Bay News 9 (@BN9) March 2, 2021
And he touched on election integrity:
.@GovRonDeSantis on elections:
We need to make sure our elections are transparent and run efficiently. There should be no ballot harvesting in the state of Florida. One person, one vote.— CBS4 Miami (@CBSMiami) March 2, 2021
You know, this just might sell in 2024:
Florida @GovRonDeSantis has just concluded his State of the State speech on the first day of the 2021 legislative session: "The sun is rising here in Florida – and the Sunshine State will soon reach new horizons."#FlaPol
— Jim Rosica (@JimRosicaFL) March 2, 2021
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