This type of activity is allowed. From Chicago:
Not allowed to go to Mass where I live.
— Liz Wheeler (@Liz_Wheeler) July 24, 2020
But some good friends hanging out in a hot tub on wheels drinking a few adult beverages? Well, that can’t be tolerated because we’re in a pandemic and all:
Not really sure what loophole this falls into (weight?), but maybe someone from the transpotainment industry or Mayor's office would like to explain why this is on Nashville streets (with unmasked people) as the pandemic spikes here.
— Steve Cavendish (@scavendish) July 24, 2020
Now do the protesters:
Contact tracers, start your engines.
— Carl Zimmer (@carlzimmer) July 24, 2020
But these women could meet in their backyard and nobody would care. What’s the issue?
I knew the cycle taverns were somehow still operating in Nashville. I did not know the unmasked cycle HOT TUB taverns were still operating as well.
— Anne Helen Petersen (@annehelen) July 24, 2020
Has he ever seen a cesspool?
A literal cesspool.
— Adam Vingan (@AdamVingan) July 24, 2020
Because this is not a cesspool. From their website:
Water does NOT transmit the virus. Additionally, our pool is chemically balanced with an auto-chlorinator and has 2 UV lights that kills viruses. We are taking reservations for our mobile pool with parties on or after June 5th.
A Canadian politician weighs in:
An example illustrating why we need to keep the US border closed.
— Don Davies MP (@DonDavies) July 24, 2020
LOL. We love this though:
i hate it here
— Wear A Dang Mask (@popesaintvictor) July 24, 2020
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