Well, this has gone viral:
Can people just wear the damn mask instead of making it a sad performance art project ? pic.twitter.com/sxH0otXMpD
— Rita Moreno's Shoeshine Girl (@nemui_babyy) May 24, 2020
TBH, she’s actually less a danger to the public than Gov. Ralph Northam who took selfies next to people at the beach without a mask on:
Here's Gov. Ralph Northam social distancing with a mask on at the beach today… you know… like he tells everyone else to do. pic.twitter.com/8IUEGYH0GI
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) May 23, 2020
Oh, and can we please stop this “art” or whatever it is?
Can someone please just tell 'artists' that public nudity/partial nudity is passeclichenottrangressivejustsad and to just put their damn clothes on.
— MTiller (@LadaMokusa) May 25, 2020
The lady on the scooter doesn’t even seem to notice:
I feel bad for that woman behind her on the scooter, who isn't playing any games with HER mask
— Cliff Jerrison (@pervocracy) May 24, 2020
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