Don’t look now, but we’re seeing increasing chatter for libs and Bernie supporters that nominating Joe Biden is a sure way to lose to President Trump:
This is a code red situation. If Democrats run Biden, Trump is going to be President for 4 more years. No amount of yelling about how much you hate Bernie Sanders or celebrating primary victories is going to change that. People who want Trump gone need to change direction fast.
— jeremy scahill (@jeremyscahill) March 29, 2020
And what’s helping drive that narrative is this new ABC-WaPo poll that has Biden and Trump in a statistical dead heat:
Biden 49
Trump 47— Chris Cillizza (@CillizzaCNN) March 29, 2020
But if Biden were to somehow not make it to the convention, would it be Bernie? Probably not as NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo is riding a wave of support, at least in New York where 87% of the state’s voters now approve of the job he’s doing as governor:
New Siena Poll finds Andrew Cuomo is at 87% (!) approval for his handling of COVID response across NY State.
95% of Democrats, 87% of independents, 70% of Republicans approve of Cuomo.
(Trump is at 41%.)
— Will Jordan (@williamjordann) March 30, 2020
That’s a jump of 54 points:
Change in net favorable ratings from February Siena poll to today (NY state voters)
Cuomo: +54
Trump: +1— Will Jordan (@williamjordann) March 30, 2020
And as we told you last week, none other that Obama photographer Pete Souza called Cuomo the “current acting President.” How’s that for ding on Joe?
what's funny about this is that it totally ignores the actual Dem nominee
— Greg Pollowitz (@GPollowitz) March 27, 2020
Not that it matters, but Bill Maher agrees:
Bill Maher to Maureen Dowd: "I see Cuomo as the Democratic nominee this year. If we could switch Biden out for him, that’s the winner. … He’s unlikable, which I really like.”
— Dan Zak (@MrDanZak) March 29, 2020
Conservative certainly are wondering why Dems don’t kick Joe to the curb:
What are the odds that the Dems will send Biden off to watch a Matlock marathon and nominate Cuomo instead?
— Mark Krikorian (@MarkSKrikorian) March 30, 2020
Betting markets, however, still have Trump beating Biden with Cuomo as the longshot:
US Presidential election betting:
Donald Trump $1.90
Joe Biden $2.40
Andrew Cuomo $23.00
Bernie Sanders $34.00
Hillary Clinton $41.00
Mike Pence $41.00— Stephen Koukoulas (@TheKouk) March 30, 2020