In a new interview with The Hollywood Reporter, failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton unloaded on failed presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and his supporters:
HILLARY ON BERNIE: “He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It's all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it."
— Kasie Hunt (@kasie) January 21, 2020
An excerpt:
Hillary goes off on Bernie and “the culture around him,” per @THR >>
— Tim Alberta (@TimAlberta) January 21, 2020
And she won’t commit to endorsing Bernie if the elderly socialist is the eventual nominee:
Hillary Clinton on 2020; "I'll do anything I can to defeat the current incumbent."
Clinton on whether she'd back Sanders as nominee: "I'm not going to go there yet."
— Aaron Blake (@AaronBlake) January 21, 2020
The 2016 election will. Never. End:
It is year five of the 2016 election.
Hillary Clinton in a new interview stands by her assessment that “no one” in DC likes Bernie Sanders. Asked if she would endorse and campaign for him if he’s the nominee, she says “I'm not going to go there yet.”
— Matt Berman (@Mr_Berman) January 21, 2020
Oh, today is going to be a good day on the Twitter dot com:
Preparing for a day of Hillary v Bernie tweets
— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) January 21, 2020
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