J.K. Rowling has outraged libs after she dared to stand up for Maya Forstater, a British woman who was fired from her job for tweets deemed anti-trans:
Dress however you please.
Call yourself whatever you like.
Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you.
Live your best life in peace and security.
But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real? #IStandWithMaya #ThisIsNotADrill— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) December 19, 2019
Forstater just lost an employment tribunal in the U.K. that determined that her firing over those tweets was lawful:
The law does not work for women. Astonishing judgement in the tribunal for Maya Forstater. If you were not yet convinced that women’s rights are under serious threat, this should help convince you. https://t.co/FdXkMYRbKY
— Womans_Place_UK (@Womans_Place_UK) December 19, 2019
The anti-trans tweets in question? They dared to state the opinion that “there are two sexes, male and female”:
My belief as I set out in my witness statement is that sex is a biological fact, and is immutable. There are two sexes, male and female. Men and boys are male. Women and girls are female. It is impossible to change sex. These were until very recently understood as basic facts of life by almost everyone.
More from Forstater’s statement:
This judgment removes women’s rights and the right to freedom of belief and speech. It gives judicial licence for women and men who speak up for objective truth and clear debate to be subject to aggression, bullying, no platforming and economic punishment.
I will consider the judgment closely with my legal team to determine what can be done to challenge it. I will make a further statement once that task is complete.
I want to express my thanks to my legal team Anya Palmer and Peter Daly for the excellent job they have done, to Kristina Harrison for speaking up as a witness in my tribunal, and to everyone whose careful and compassionate writing on this topic helped me to understand the issues. I am grateful for the outpouring of support I have received from around the world, via social media, on Mumsnet, through feminist networks and in person.
Hey, we read J.K. Rowling’s tweet as a defense of free speech and a woman who was wrongly fired for writing something that should be debate, but what to we know:
I uh, think JK Rowling will be okay. But if you watch how Online is responding to her expressing the belief that people shouldn't be fired for believing that biological sex is a real thing — an opinion without a whiff of transphobia to it — that can help explain where we're at.
— Jesse Singal (@jessesingal) December 19, 2019
Anyway, J.K. Rowling is trending right now and Twitter, thanks to many, many outraged blue-checks like these:
ugh you suck
— Dylan (@dpetrohilos) December 19, 2019
I didn’t expect JK Rowling to go out like this.
— deray (@deray) December 19, 2019
jk rowling official TERF drop baby!!!!! maybe now we can stop paying attention to the horrible lady whomst sucks
— matt lubchansky (@Lubchansky) December 19, 2019
You’re an asshole
— Kim Kelly (@GrimKim) December 19, 2019
Anyway, it’s worth pointing out that as much as she’s like “Look, I’m totally in support of your right to exist…” she’s done this for a while, but has always backtracked and lied about it. https://t.co/KQaGBkXkfv
— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) December 19, 2019
JK Rowling more like STFU Rowling imho
— Magical Mr. Wampstoffelees™ (@ScottWamplerBMD) December 19, 2019
JK Rowling isn’t alone and is far from the only prominent influential transphobe, especially in the UK, where transphobia has grown more virulent than even the US.
— sophie bee (@pogform) December 19, 2019
For several years, there has been substantial concern that J.K. Rowling is transphobic. I admit that I held out hope that one of my childhood heroes was simply being misunderstood. This morning, that was dashed when she defended a researcher who was fired for transphobic tweets. https://t.co/lWSUBHfFhD
— Charlotte Clymer?️? (@cmclymer) December 19, 2019
if you liked grateful slaves & hooknosed banking goblins you’ll love harry potter and the biological essentialism of gender https://t.co/59Glxwppir
— Talia Lavin (@chick_in_kiev) December 19, 2019
The good news?
Well, if there's any good to come from the JK Rowling outrage, it's that libs may finally have to read another f***ing book.
— Greg Pollowitz (@GPollowitz) December 19, 2019
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