For the “can’t make this up if we tried” file, George Conway is reminding everyone that after President Trump defeats this impeachment inquiry, there’s nothing stopping Congress from impeaching him a second time:
Remember: There’s nothing in the Constitution that prevents a second impeachment should additional evidence of high crimes or misdemeanors be adduced.
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) November 26, 2019
He was responding to Nancy Pelosi saying she wants to rush through impeachment over the next two weeks:
I asked Pelosi specifically about this Thursday. Her response was blunt: “absolutely not.” Waiting for courts means July or later for all this testimony. They’ll instead push impeachment next 2 months & continue these investigations/hearings next year.
— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) November 26, 2019
We’d love to see him honor this interview request from Eric Bolling:
Step out of your “safe space” and come chat with me on tv.
DM me if you got the juice. #Snowflake ❄️— Eric Bolling?? (@ericbolling) November 26, 2019
George is like Dory in “Finding Nemo”: Just keep impeaching, just keep impeaching…
Impeachment today, tomorrow….forever
— jon fred (@jonfred91139991) November 26, 2019
And if Dems lose in 2020, you better believe this will be their game plan:
And we lose the election. This must be extended if needed but a second looks bad
— Degk (@Degk10) November 26, 2019
Well, that and Cocaine Mitch losing control of the Senate:
Or when the Democrats take control of both Houses.
— David Gierlak (@GierlakDavid) November 26, 2019
Good luck.
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