Did Bernie Sanders have a heart attack? Seems like that’s something voters should know, but team Bernie won’t let reporters interview his doctors:
Sanders campaign won’t confirm or deny he had a heart attack. One denial to WSJ was later removed from its web site. Staff preventing media access to his doctors, wouldn't even reveal at first which hospital he was in.
— Craig Crawford (@craig_crawford) October 4, 2019
And since we include tweets from Jennifer Rubin when we don’t agree with her, we thought we’d add this one just to be fair:
totally unacceptable: Mr. Sanders has not disclosed whether blood and electrocardiogram tests showed he had a heart attack. The senator and his campaign have not allowed reporters to interview his doctors,
https://t.co/Zg1RLj7sLQ— Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) October 4, 2019
It’s almost as if Dems are hypocrites and are only for transparency when it benefits them:
"Mr. Sanders is a private person, no doubt, but most modern-day presidents and serious candidates for the presidency have put forward details to inform the electorate after emergency health issues." https://t.co/mKxq3E8EAu
— Kenneth Baer (@KennethBaer) October 4, 2019
A Slate piece said that with the information released so far, Sanders likely suffered a heart attack:
Based on the information his campaign has released, this scenario seems to be what happened to Bernie Sanders on Tuesday evening. Without a close look at Sanders’ medical chart, it’s impossible to make a definitive diagnosis, and I have not reviewed the details of his case other than what has been reported to the media by his campaign. But even the scant information we have—that he had stents inserted overnight following an acute cardiac episode—is enough to be able to say: This was very likely a heart attack.
His wife tweeted that he would be at the next debate, whatever that’s worth at this point:
I intend to make sure Bernie takes a few days off to rest, but he's ready to get back out there and we’re looking forward to the October debate. Again, thank you all for your wonderful support. It really does mean a lot to us. 3/3
— Jane O'Meara Sanders (@janeosanders) October 3, 2019
We shall see.
Troll level=NUCLEAR: Trump triggers both AOC and Bernie Sanders in 1 brutally honest tweet and ROFL https://t.co/aR9deCMGrr
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) October 4, 2019
'Relentlessly on message': Clearly Bernie Sanders is 'feeling good' after heart scare because he's already using it to push Medicare for All https://t.co/xaprTXLfxt
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) October 2, 2019
UPDATE: Bernie Sanders has reportedly cancelled his TV ad buy in Iowahttps://t.co/o3mrak0Y9v
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) October 2, 2019
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