ABC’s hit show “Bachelor in Paradise” featured its first same-sex love story this week as contestant Demi Burnett was reunited with Kirstian, a 25-year-old woman she was dating prior to the show:
"I want to be with you": "Bachelor in Paradise" features its first same-sex couple
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) August 21, 2019
We have no idea why Demi, who was happily dating Kristian, decided to go on a dating show to find a dude to marry in the first place, but it looks like Kristian will now join the contest. We think. As we don’t watch the show, it’s all very confusing:
Looks like @demi_burnett got her happy ending on #BachelorInParadise, but what about @PethDerek? ?
— Access (@accessonline) August 21, 2019
More from the Washington Post:
Once Demi introduces Kristian to the rest of the contestants, they welcome her and the new couple gets a date card. Derek and Demi even share a hug before she departs on her date.
Now reunited, Kristian lets Demi know that it’s hard for her to know that she’s had “romantic moments with somebody else.” “It made me feel like you doubted us and you had to test that,” Kristian says. “And I didn’t have to test that.”
Demi responds maturely, acknowledging that she has difficulty with commitment because she’s scared of not having control of her emotions. But she doesn’t want to run anymore, Demi tells Kristian. “I want to commit to you … and I’ve never wanted to commit to someone before,” she says.
Sorry, Derek! Go find another one . . . there are a lot to choose from!
I can’t really be this short…..
— Demi Burnett (@demi_burnett) July 23, 2019
GLAAD is calling this totally realistic and not manufactured moment “groundbreaking”:
"#BachelorinParadise’s inclusion of @demi_burnett’s coming out story and her journey to accepting her queer identity is groundbreaking for the series," says @GLAAD. Read the full statement:
— Hollywood Reporter (@THR) August 21, 2019
Anyway, as we were looking at tweets for this post, we saw Demi’s pinned tweet where she got angry at someone who said she looks like Fox News’ Tomi Lahren:
Do not disrespect me like this
— Demi Burnett (@demi_burnett) January 22, 2019
Wow. How tolerant of her.
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