The NYT’s Nate Cohn finally admitted last night that his comparison of failing 2020 presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke to Luke Skywalker has been all wrong and that the Texas lib is not quite the droid candidate Dems were looking for:
For about a year now, I've been comparing Beto to Luke Skywalker.
He's the famous hero, for Democrats, of an epic of good versus evil, against one of the greatest villians of all time. Darth Vader, Ted Cruz; Star Wars in a Galaxy far away; Texas Senate in the Trump midterm— Nate Cohn (@Nate_Cohn) July 15, 2019
But in reality, Skywalker wasn't acted well and his character is woefully underdeveloped. He couldn't hold his own movie–that's Han Solo–even if everyone would line up and wear costumes to the premier. It would get nominated for zero awards, and be forgotten.
— Nate Cohn (@Nate_Cohn) July 15, 2019
That said, we're at the point where my unflattering comparison–that he's really a mortal Mark Hamill, not heroic Luke Skywalker–is looking generous. I mean, he's not a star. But there's a reason he at least did what he did in Texas, and there's upside from 0% in NH
— Nate Cohn (@Nate_Cohn) July 15, 2019
But backing up to Nate’s first tweet, if Ted Cruz is Darth Vader, then he’s Luke’s father, regardless of which Luke he’s talking about:
Wait, Ted Cruz is Beto’s father??!
— Michael Li 李之樸 (@mcpli) July 15, 2019
And we have confirmation from Sen. Ted Cruz himself!
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) July 16, 2019
— Kristy Swanson (@KristySwansonXO) July 16, 2019
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) July 16, 2019
And now people are photoshopping Beto into Cruz family photos and we love it:
Lil' Beto on Halloween
— Martin (@m_silenus) July 16, 2019
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) July 16, 2019
And maybe these guys need to see another movie as every Dem can’t be Luke Skywalker:
'We DoNt PiCk SiDeS!!!' NYT journo compares Amy McGrath to Luke Skywalker
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) July 9, 2019
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