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Dave Wasserman warns of a nightmare scenario for Dems in 2020 (and we can't stop laughing!)

Dave Wasserman of the Cook Political Report outlined a nightmare scenario for Dems in 2020 where they wind the popular vote by around 5 million votes but President Trump wins reelection by a single electoral vote:


Rep. Ted Lieu says this scenario is why Dems are holding their convention in Wisconsin which Hillary Clinton totally avoided in 2016:

Perpetual Dem lose Randy Bryce says “Trump will not win Wisconsin,” which we assume he thought wouldn’t happen the first time:

And, ACHTUALLY, Trump has “a better chance of holding Wisconsin than MI or PA”:


Make it happen!

We expect both Trump and the eventual Dem will spend a considerable amount of time in Wisconsin:

Note Wasserman has Florida going toward Trump despite the much-championed Quinnipiac poll yesterday showing Biden +9:

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