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Daily Mail Exposes Sag Harbor Cop Who Reminds Wealthy Residents Like Timberlake They're Not Above the Law

Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP, File

Earlier this week, pop star Justin Timberlake was arrested in Sag Harbor on suspicion of drunk driving.

The news spread like wildfire, and now the media are chiming in: not to talk about Timberlake and the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol.



They're shaming the cop who arrested Timberlake, saying he's been 'infuriating' Hamptons residents for months. The reason? He strictly enforces traffic laws.

More from The Daily Mail:

But in the three short months he's been on the force, he's already become known for his pull-over attempts, earning himself a nickname of 'the Sag Harbor Nazi' and a 'little red-headed dips**t' among the Hamptons' wealthy residents.  

Spencer, a writer from Shelter Island, is one driver who claims he's had an unpleasant encounter with Arkinson. He was recently trying to find a parking spot before meeting a friend for dinner in Sag Harbor when he performed a quick U-turn. 

Arkinson pounced when he spotted him make the turn.

'I was surprised he pulled me over,' he said. 

'It was off season, and no one was around. It was a d**khead move. I felt like he pulled me over just for the sake of doing it.' 

Luckily, he said he was given a 'warning.'

But, the second time Arkinson wasn't so nice. 

Spencer was driving near the Sag Harbor School when Arkinson pulled him over for talking on his cell phone.


We thought no one was above the law, and we're willing to bet you a Coke the Venn diagram of people complaining about Officer Arkinson and cheering the Trump conviction are concentric circles.

Yes they are.

Pull out the tiny violin.

When you stop enforcing the little laws, you stop enforcing the big laws -- as we see playing out time and again in every blue city across the country.

Biden said so.

Excellent questions both.

A 'Hot Fuzz' reference is always perfect.


They're incapable.

He enforces traffic laws in a wealthy community; the media must destroy him.

We're sure they'll manage.

They live in the Hamptons and won't pay a $145 fine.

No, he doesn't.

And that's fine.

Equality under the law and all that.

They're really trying to make you hate this guy.


It's a very strange way to thank someone for doing his job.

And won't pay his fine.

Not nearly enough.


The folks in Sag Harbor can petition their government -- local, state, federal -- to change the laws if they don't like them. But those are the laws, and Arkinson's job is to enforce them. Doesn't matter if you're the Hampton 'elite' or not.

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