Breitbart’s Brandon Darby makes a great point here. The three “most iconic” photographs of the immigration crisis have all been misrepresented by the news media:
From left to right, that’s from 2014 and was shared widely to criticize Trump by Obama bro Jon Favreau, among other; the little girl was never separated from her mom who was also previously deported; and the little boy in the cage was from a protest in Texas.
What’s worse is that blue-check journos like illegal immigrant Jose Antonio Vargas still have the BS photo up:
This is what happens when a government believes people are “illegal.”
Kids in cages.
— Jose Antonio Vargas (@joseiswriting) June 12, 2018
And as Darby notes, this keeps happening:
Do better, MSM.
SHOCKER: Jon Favreau admits he never would have posted that Obama-era photo of children in cages
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) May 30, 2018
Daily Mail: Crying child on TIME cover 'never separated by border control agents' from her mother
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) June 22, 2018
ICYMI==> Twitchy fan Ron Perlman doubles down on STAGED PHOTO of kid in a cage: 'Maybe you're a fake'
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) June 13, 2018
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