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Frank Rich questions why the Obamas let Malia work for Harvey Weinstein, gets dragged by fellow liberals

With all the blue checks admitting that they knew of Harvey Weinstein past, this is a very good question from Frank Rich: Why did “exemplary parents” like Barack and Michelle let their daughter intern with him?


What’s even funnier is liberals thinking liberal Frank Rich is using this to bash the Obamas:


And some even played the race card:

Others wondered why Rich didn’t say anything earlier himself, which is also a good question:

But actually the answer to both of those questions lies in Weinstein’s politics. He was sucking up to Obama and wouldn’t go after his little girl:



Malia Obama had other internships in the film industry as well. With Lena Dunham in 2015:

And with Steven Spielberg in 2014:

Nobody was worried about Malia working in Hollywood then, too.



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