I went to bed, and woke up and @SenJeffMerkley is still speaking in Senate floor. #props #mrmerkleygoestowashington https://t.co/YzyKfp3M70
— Michael Mathes (@MichaelMathes) April 5, 2017
LATEST: 12 hours and counting. @SenJeffMerkley continues his filibuster on the Senate floor to protest confirmation vote for Neil Gorsuch. https://t.co/yechlQ1c1G
— Katie Alexander (@KatieNews4) April 5, 2017
If a Senator filibusters a SCOTUS nominee in the woods and nobody cares to watch him on CSPAN, does he make a sound?
This would be bigger news, we assume, if it wasn’t just a stunt by Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) that will never work, but kudos for the all-nighter!
Jeff Merkley STILL on the floor, delivering all-night speech against Gorsuch – about to hit 13 hours
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) April 5, 2017
He just got a little help from Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL):
TY @SenatorDurbin for joining Jeff in this fight. This is an unprecedented assault on the sanctity of our institutions that cannot stand.
— Senator Jeff Merkley (@SenJeffMerkley) April 5, 2017
It's 6:45 am and @SenJeffMerkley and @SenatorDurbin are talking on the Senate floor about Gorsuch. @CQnow
— Kellie Mejdrich (@kelmej) April 5, 2017
Dems hope that new information come to light that will let them defeat Gorsuch. Good look with that:
Is there an effort to ram @realDonaldTrump's #SCOTUS nominee through before information comes to the surface that might change the outcome?
— Senator Jeff Merkley (@SenJeffMerkley) April 5, 2017
And they’re hoping that something big comes out of the Russia story. Again, good luck with that:
Until the FBI and Congress complete #Russia investigation, confirming @realDonaldTrump lifetime appointment to #SCOTUS is premature.
— Senator Jeff Merkley (@SenJeffMerkley) April 5, 2017
You can follow along here:
Started to #HoldTheFloor at 6:46pm. It’s now 6:46am. 12 hours later, still speaking out to #StopGorsuch. Tune in: https://t.co/GkLHdePhbD
— Senator Jeff Merkley (@SenJeffMerkley) April 5, 2017
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