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Shocker: Donald Trump actually does believe in the threat of global warming


Add another item to the list of things Donald Trump said during the Republican primary that turn out not to be entirely true.

Apparently, the presumptive nominee thinks global warming is a threat … to his golf course in Ireland, at least:

From Politico:

Donald Trump says he is “not a big believer in global warming.” He has called it “a total hoax,” “bullshit” and “pseudoscience.”

But he is also trying to build a sea wall designed to protect one of his golf courses from “global warming and its effects.”

The New York billionaire is applying for permission to erect a coastal protection works to prevent erosion at his seaside golf resort, Trump International Golf Links & Hotel Ireland, in County Clare.

A permit application for the wall, filed by Trump International Golf Links Ireland and reviewed by POLITICO, explicitly cites global warming and its consequences — increased erosion due to rising sea levels and extreme weather this century — as a chief justification for building the structure.

Read the whole thing here.



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