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Azealia Banks has a new message: 'F*** Sarah Palin,' 'F*** whitey'; Palin threatens to sue

Apparently national treasure Azealia Banks still has it out for Sarah Palin:

What is wrong with her?

Palin told People magazine that she’ll sue Banks over comments from earlier this week where the desperate-for-attention rapper suggested Palin be sexually assaulted by black men:


“I’ve had enough of the unanswered threats and attacks against my family and me,” Palin said of Banks’ NSFW social media suggestion that the former governor should be sexually assaulted. “So, for the first time I’m going to enjoy the only retribution some protected ‘celebrities’ seem to understand – I’m suing Azealia Banks and can’t wait to share my winnings with others who have gone defenseless against lies and dangerous attacks far too long.”

Banks also says “F*** whitey” when you click through the link in her tweet:

And another thing….

Despite their best efforts to conceal the contempt and envy that the cracker has for Blacks and other people of color …they just can’t hide it and it’s seeping from the seams of their being.

i’m 100% positive that the police killings, cultural appropriation, Trump and Palin etc. represent the contempt that whitey shares for this intangible , uncontrollable new black mind that’s been steeping for a while now. The mind born of very intelligent and real conversations/confrontations around American Racism. And the detachment of the Black mind from the mirage of a subpar existence and self-perceptions that crackers created for us long ago. They feel exposed and out of control for once. And our big black ideas and expression are threatening to further expose them, so they’ll try to trivialize and minimize our blackness by stereotyping us.

They’re running out of mental mind-fuck tricks.

Like really they are.

Blackness is frustrating crackers nowadays because it’s threatening their sense of security and being. We no longer care about what they think, so it’s hard to control us.

They’re relying on old tricks in hopes that it quiets us down.

Cultural Appropriation has nothing to do with “liking” or “admiring”…it’s about power and dominance and cracker wanting to control conversations and expressions of identity that don’t belong to him.

Fuck whitey




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