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'Constitutional concerns.' Not every Dem is happy with Pres. Obama's executive immigration order

Let’s keep in mind that not ever Democrat is pleased with the president’s royal edict last night, although there is some argument if Dem opposition to the president really amounts to anything substantive. CNN’s Jake Tapper tweets:


Let’s take a look at his list.

Sen. Joe Donnelly of Indiana thinks “…the president shouldn’t make such significant policy changes on his own.

While Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri told Bob Schieffer on “Face the Nation” on Sunday that she’s “not crazy” about the president’s plan, but she was rather quiet on Twitter last night. (Ferguson on her mind?)

Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia one-upped Sens. Donnelly and McCaskill and actually issued a statement of his displeasure:

An excerpt:

“I disagree with the President’s decision to use executive action to make changes to our immigration system, and I disagree with the House’s decision to not even take a vote on the bipartisan Senate legislation that overwhelmingly passed in June 2013.


And Maine’s independent Sen. Angus King has been quite vocal about his opposition to the plan:

More here:

“I am concerned if the president’s action goes too far, that number one it will set the cause back, that it will inflame our politics, get us into a kind of retribution situation with the opponents of immigration reform, and really change the subject from immigration to the president and whether he should’ve done what he did.”

Politico has a big piece out on the how the president decided to do what he did yesterday and reported that it was concerns over immigration in part from Sen. King that forced him to delay yesterday’s order until after the election:

What really worried the White House was that opposition wasn’t limited to vulnerable moderates up for reelection in Republican-leaning states. Sen. Al Franken, a liberal from Minnesota, expressed concerns. Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.), who wasn’t on the ballot, pointedly asked Obama to wait until after the election. And Sen. Angus King (I-Maine), who caucuses with Democrats, declared openly that it would be a “mistake” for the president to do anything alone, ever.

When King personally delivered that message to White House chief of staff Denis McDonough, the Obama team knew it had a problem. If an independent from Maine, a state Obama won by 15 points, couldn’t support the president’s actions on immigration, they really were in trouble.


All of this concern and worry from Dems, however, could very well be a whole lot of nothing:

Yep. Let’s see where these four are when it comes time to vote.


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