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Actor Ezra Miller accused of grooming a teen since she was 12

Actor Ezra Miller (“Justice League,” “The Flash”) is being accused of grooming by the parents of a now 18-year-old activist from North Dakota named Tokata Iron Eyes from the age of 12.


Iron Eyes has denied the charges:

She wrote on Instagram:

“My father and his allegations hold no weight and are frankly transphobic and based in the notion that I am somehow incapable of coherent thought or opposing opinions.”


Her parents have “filed paperwork asking a judge to issue an order of protection against the actor on behalf of their child”:


They’re accusing Miller of “grooming their daughter with ‘cult-like behavior'” and “violence”:

And they accused miller of giving her alcohol, marijuana and LSD while she was a child:

Miller was 23 when she was 12. Yikes:

Miller met her while on a trip to the Standing Rock Reservation in North Dakota back in 2016:


Iron Eyes’ mom posted to Instagram begging people to let her know where he daughter is, saying Miller took over her phone:

What an awful story.



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