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Abbott torches Jen Psaki in an 11-tweet thread after she allegedly falsely accused the company of killing two infants

Abbott, the company at the center of the ongoing baby formula shortage caused by the FDA shutdown of its plant in Sturgis, Mich., took to Twitter on Friday after Jen Psaki allegedly falsely accused the company of killing two infants.


The TL;DR version? The company says there is nothing linking them to the infant deaths and the “formula from this plant did not cause these infant illnesses.”

Now, for the must-read 11-tweet thread torching the outgoing press secretary on her last day on the job:

“At the White House press conference today, the Press Secretary mistakenly said that our formulas were tainted and killed two infants. The deaths of these infants are a tragedy.”

“The facts, however, are critical: A comprehensive investigation by Abbott, FDA and CDC found no evidence that our formulas caused infant illnesses. Specifically… [2/11]”

“CDC concluded its investigation with no findings of a link between our formulas and infant illnesses.

We conduct microbiological testing on products prior to distribution and no Abbott formula distributed to consumers tested positive for Cronobacter or Salmonella. [3/11]”


“All retained product tested by Abbott and the FDA during the inspection of the facility came back negative for Cronobacter and/or Salmonella. No Salmonella was found at the Sturgis facility. [4/11]”

“The Cronobacter sakazakii that was found in environmental testing during the investigation was in non-product contact areas of the facility and has not been linked to any known infant illness. [5/11]”

“Genetic sequencing on the two available samples from ill infants did not match strains of Cronobacter in our plant. Samples from ill infants did not match each other, meaning there was no connection between the two cases. [6/11]”


“In all four cases, the state, FDA, and/or CDC tested samples of the Abbott formula that was used by the child. In all four cases, all unopened containers tested negative. [7/11]”

“Open containers from the homes of the infants were also tested in three of the four cases; two of the three tested negative. The one positive was from an open container from the home of the infant, and it tested positive for two different strains of Cronobacter sakazakii… [8/11]”

“…one of which matched the strain that caused the infant’s infection, and the other matched a strain found on a bottle of distilled water in the home used to mix the formula. Again, neither strain matched strains found in our plant. [9/11]”


“The infants consumed four different types of our formula made over the course of nearly a year and the illnesses took place over several months in three different states. [10/11]”

“The formula from this plant did not cause these infant illnesses. [11/11]”

Over to you, FDA. Why is this plant still closed?


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