Elon Musk suggested on Twitter that the U.S. “set an age limit after which you can’t run for political office” and that the number should be “just below” 70 years of age:
Let’s set an age limit after which you can’t run for political office, perhaps a number just below 70 …
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 2, 2021
LOL, yes. It *is* a 69 joke:
Nice. https://t.co/JpLBw38x8d
— VANESSA (@TheVFCastro) December 2, 2021
A bad one, but it is a joke nonetheless:
Gronk brought 69 jokes back to the mainstream just so Elon could ruin them again. https://t.co/bMc8jWGSJG
— Ross Bolen (@WRBolen) December 2, 2021
But the funniest part is that quite a few blue-checks THINK HE’S SERIOUS:
Well, who knows with Musk. It could be a 69 joke AND a serious proposition?
It would prevent a Biden vs. Trump rematch in 2024, so there is that:
where was elon when we needed this take 5 years ago
— ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) December 2, 2021
More blue-check discussion of Musk’s super-serious proposal:
Term limits are more important. Someone should not be a politician for 40 years. https://t.co/h9XZwYiXc6
— Matthew Marsden (@matthewdmarsden) December 2, 2021
Not fair. Specially since 70's are what used to be 50's. Plenty morons below that age. Many wizards above it. What we should do is to keep away from fools and crooks, of any age. Any how, lets hope that Martian elections enjoys good candidates and better electorate. Best regards. https://t.co/4TCVu7FoYI
— Juan C. Sosa Azpúrua (@jcsosazpurua) December 2, 2021
It should be synchronised with the retirement age in public offices. https://t.co/FXxuVMJpaY
— Altaf Ahmed Sheikh (@askAltaf) December 2, 2021
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