Dr. Jorge A. Caballero, who tweets under the handle “DataDrivenMD,” says he “would like to go into a grocery store with my 3-yr old and not have it feel like I’m risking her life. Is that too much to ask?”
Is it too much to ask that he looks at the data, as a data-driven doctor, and not just rely on how he feels about the pandemic?
I would like to go into a grocery store with my 3-yr old and not have it feel like I'm risking her life. Is that too much to ask?
— Jorge A. Caballero, MD (@DataDrivenMD) November 18, 2021
“Irony overload”:
His username is "DataDrivenMD" and he's afraid that his 3-year-old will contract a virus with a 99.999 percent survival rate for her age group. Irony overload. https://t.co/FZpjFv5k2x
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) November 18, 2021
More feelings from our data-driven blue-check (the underlying tweet, now deleted, was from a woman lamenting that her young child will be too big to ride in a shopping cart by the time it’s safe enough to go to stores again):
I feel this in my soul. Kids grow up so fast. It feels like the list of things that I’ll never get to experience with my daughter grows longer by the day. 😔 https://t.co/xSqgILqgKr
— Jorge A. Caballero, MD (@DataDrivenMD) November 18, 2021
Nope, it’s not a parody account:
This is a parody account… right?!
— John Ziegler (@Zigmanfreud) November 18, 2021
Here’s the data for those interested, but our readers already know this. From Brown University’s Emily Oster:
This tweet really struck me because I think it gets so clearly at the residual fear.
Data-wise, this isn't an activity that risks the life of a 3 year old. Grocery store transmission risk tiny; child could wear N-95; child death risk extremely tiny. But the fear is real. https://t.co/mgxOvEFOID
— ProfEmilyOster (@ProfEmilyOster) November 18, 2021
Do you have any idea how many people between the ages of 0 and 17 have died of COVID since 2020? The answer is less than 1,000. For children between 1 and 4 it’s closer to 100. All these deaths are sad, of course, but those are hardly odds that warrant this kind of fear. https://t.co/hV51opGi0I
— Alexandra DeSanctis Marr (@xan_desanctis) November 18, 2021
Maybe Mr. Data-Driven missed this day in his sats class?
Statistically speaking, you're really, really, really, REALLY not. https://t.co/97Try7hj3W
— Liz Wolfe (@lizzywol) November 18, 2021
And there’s really no reason he should be living in fear like he is, because of the data and all:
Since it's based on what you feel, not the reality of the situation, that's up to you.
— John Hawkins (@johnhawkinsrwn) November 18, 2021
100% this. He can do what he wants but stop pretending it’s science-based:
I mean…he says he is data-driven. This is not in any way a data-driven thing to say.
I strongly support people doing what they want, but the data are not forcing this behavior. https://t.co/rnW5RhLgkr
— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel) November 18, 2021
Don’t give him any ideas:
One just cannot take any risk when it comes to three-year-olds. Better keep her in her room until she's 18.
— Aldous Huxley's Ghost™ (@AF632) November 18, 2021
But, for the rest of us, we’re over here living our lives:
My children have had a completely normal life the last two years with some minor inconveniences. None of them have gotten COVID and they go to public school and everywhere else unmasked. Get help. https://t.co/kw2AGfP673
— Sarah (@sarah_wxtx) November 18, 2021
But it’s sad that not everyone is as data-driven as we are:
It's sad this is an actual thought of an educated person. Apparently brainwashing works at all levels. https://t.co/TN9RzJKxmS
— Peter Pham (@peterpham) November 18, 2021
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