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There's a major update on 'whipgate' and it's pretty embarrassing for DHS

We’re finally getting an update on the DHS investigation into CBP agents allegedly using “whips” to herd Haitian immigrants at the border back in September and it’s pretty embarrassing to team Biden.


Apparently, DHS sent the matter to the Inspector General to investigate and the IG’s office declined to do so. So, why are we just learning about that now?!

The CBP’s Office of Professional Responsibility will handle the investigation:

In other words, there will be no witch hunt:

And please notice that there is no longer any mention of a quick investigation:


When this all happened, we were told the investigation would take a week. Whoops:

DHS Sec. Mayorkas is due to testify in the Senate today and this will surely come up:

Stay tuned. . .


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