Space Force just released prototypes of its service dress uniforms.
What do you think?
Today, @SpaceForceCSO Gen. John W. "Jay" Raymond unveiled the Guardian Service Dress prototype a modern, distinctive, professional uniform during the @AirForceAssoc's #ASC21.
— United States Space Force (@SpaceForceDoD) September 21, 2021
Today the US Space Force revealed the prototype for its service dress uniform. What do you think? @SpaceForceDoD
— John Rogers (@JohnRogers8News) September 21, 2021
So, do they remind you more of the Empire in “Star Wars”. . .
The Space Force leans into ‘Galactic Empire’ chic with new dress uniform design
By @halbritz— Task & Purpose (@TaskandPurpose) September 21, 2021
. . .or Starfleet circa “Wrath of Khan”?
Getting some Wrath of Khan flashbacks all of a sudden… #ASC21 #afa #SpaceForce @Jeff_MartinTX
— Stephen Losey (@StephenLosey) September 21, 2021
They’re also being accused of a “complete rip-off of Battlestar Galactic”:
A friend just texted me: “Tell me the space force uniform isn’t a complete rip-off of battlestar galatica” and reader—
— Valerie Insinna (@ValerieInsinna) September 21, 2021
And imagine the reaction if these got released under President Trump?
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