Hurricane Ida made landfall as a monster Category 4 storm at 12:55 ET near Port Fourchon, Louisiana with 150 mph winds and gusts up to 185 mph:
Hurricane Ida makes landfall at 11:55 AM at Port Fourchon, Louisiana. This is a category 4 storm with 150 mph winds, and 185 mph gusts.
— KWQC TV6 News (@kwqcnews) August 29, 2021
A Category 5 storm has winds of 157 mph:
Winds are picking up speed in New Orleans
Hurricane Ida made landfall near Port Fourchon at 11:55 a.m. as a Cat 4 with winds at 150 mph
A Cat 5 is 157 mph@nbc6
— Cristian Benavides (@cbenavidesTV) August 29, 2021
Grand Isle is bearing the brunt of the storm right now with reports that dozens of residents did not evacuate:
Grand Isle getting slammed as Hurricane Ida approaches; about 75 residents stayed via @nolanews
— Bob Warren (@bobwarren66) August 29, 2021
The Weather Channel lost contact with the police chief while on air:
Grand Isle, La., police chief on The Weather Channel said they are hunkered down, watching roofs, buildings coming apart.
— Claire Taylor (@ClaireTaylorACA) August 29, 2021
Weather Channel said they can no longer get in contact with the Grand Isle police chief.
— Claire Taylor (@ClaireTaylorACA) August 29, 2021
He was later able to establish contact with a text message saying there’s 4 feet of water outside the building but they’re safe — so far:
Grand Isle police chief: Weather Channel has gotten a text, 4ft water outside. No water in, everyone okay ❤
— patches Coffman (@Patchesl12) August 29, 2021
Video of what’s going on:
The rapid onset of storm surge from #HurricaneIda could be seen this morning from Grand Isle, Louisiana. If you're being told to shelter in place during a storm by local authorities, don't risk it, you could be overtaken quickly in a matter of hours as shown here.
— IntelWalrus (@IntelWalrus) August 29, 2021
GRAND ISLE: @MargaretOrr says they are in the thick of it right now. MOST people evacuated from the island. About two dozen stayed. 🙏🏾 #HurricaneIda @wdsu @JeffParishGov @NWSNewOrleans
— Christina Watkins (@CWatkinsWDSU) August 29, 2021
Updated video from the Grand Isle live cam from @SevereStudios is almost underwater now. The camera was installed at 7 feet. #HurricaneIda #Ida #LAwx. Watch Live here:
— Anthony Quintano (@AnthonyQuintano) August 29, 2021
Grand Isle wind gust 136 mph, current view of surge and wind from Christie Angelette. #lawx @FOX8NOLA
— Zack Fradella (@ZackFradellaWx) August 29, 2021
Near the point of Ida’s landfall late this morning at Grand Isle LA… video from Christie Angelette
— James Spann (@spann) August 29, 2021
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