We regret to inform you that Michael Moore is at it again, this time on the horrific murders in Boulder, Colo.
Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa is “as American as apple pie,” he says:
Now that we know who the Boulder killer is, we will soon see the pundits & bigots harp on "Middle Eastern" & "Islamic." But make no mistake: a young man with anger issues & easy access to semi-automatic weapons who shoots up a nice town in Colorado is as American as apple pie. pic.twitter.com/KhJlx9aMVm
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) March 24, 2021
And the “life of Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa shows that people can come from all over the world and truly assimilate into our beloved American culture”:
The life of Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa shows that people can come from all over the world and truly assimilate into our beloved American culture. pic.twitter.com/snDMnGUG0i
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) March 24, 2021
Here’s Ben Shapiro’s response:
Yes, clearly "American culture" is to blame when a reportedly mentally ill Syrian immigrant who expresses hatred for Trump and concerns about "Islamophobia" shoots up a supermarket. You are egregiously terrible. https://t.co/sia85QpA0Q
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) March 24, 2021
Well, it’s the worst tweet ever until his next tweet:
So we’re all in agreement this is the worst tweet ever, right? https://t.co/d42Mrlcvbh
— Andrew Kerr (@AndrewKerrNC) March 24, 2021
He really is:
What a horrible human being https://t.co/RiRsqfNUJh
— Gerry Callahan (@GerryCallahan) March 24, 2021
And, oddly, the media only focused on two of these seven mass shootings “over the past seven days”:
From Atlanta to Boulder, SEVEN mass shootings over the past seven days across the USA. Well, we’ve been praying to get back to normal. For America, you can’t get more “normal” than this. https://t.co/Shkxo3ELy8
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) March 23, 2021
It’s a real mystery!
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