Deutsche Bank is warning that because the Dem net-zero climate policies will be “phenomenally expensive” and this “unpopular with many and likely a majority of voters,” it will be necessary to implement a “certain degree of eco-dictatorship” to enact them.
Via Bjorn Lomborg:
Net zero climate policies will be phenomenally expensive (New Zealand: 16+% of GDP cost)
This will be unpopular with many and likely a majority of voters
That's why Deutche Bank suggests that we'll probably need "a certain degree of eco-dictatorship"
— Bjorn Lomborg (@BjornLomborg) January 28, 2021
We’ve heard this before with libs talking about how “America should be a dictatorship like China (just for one day, but presumably without being able to change anything decided during that day)”:
Tom Friedman already suggested as much in his 2008 book on climate (p372), wistfully considering that maybe America should be a dictatorship like China (just for one day, but presumably without being able to change anything decided during that day)
— Bjorn Lomborg (@BjornLomborg) January 28, 2021
And as we told you a few days ago, Sen. Chuck Schumer is already telling President Biden to copy’s President Trump’s border emergency to declare a climate emergency:
And Senate Majority Leader Schumer wishing a bit of it just a few days ago
— Bjorn Lomborg (@BjornLomborg) January 28, 2021
Hold on to your wallets, folks, because this is going to get expensive real quick:
New Zealand has the only independent cost estimate of net zero, from 9.9% to 21.2% GDP cost (average 16%, table 12),
— Bjorn Lomborg (@BjornLomborg) January 28, 2021
Chuck Schumer wants President Biden to copy Trump on the border and declare a 'CLIMATE emergency'
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) January 26, 2021