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Official licensed NFL mask: 'This face covering is not intended to prevent or protect from any form of illness or disease (or otherwise)'

The NFL will reportedly require all fans to wear masks if/when games resume this fall:


How exactly are they going to enforce this?

Who needs to go to games anyway:

It this kind of mask okay?

We only ask because officially licensed masks, like this one, don’t sound much better: “This face covering is not intended to prevent or protect from any form of illness or disease (or otherwise)”:

Here’s the warning they give:

As for the effectiveness of cloth masks like this, the jury is still out. But the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy nows says they’re “better than doing nothing”:

The authors and CIDRAP have received requests in recent weeks to remove this article from the CIDRAP website. Reasons have included: (1) we don’t truly know that cloth masks (face coverings) are not effective, since the data are so limited, (2) wearing a cloth mask or face covering is better than doing nothing, (3) the article is being used by individuals and groups to support non-mask wearing where mandated and (4) there are now many modeling studies suggesting that cloth masks or face coverings could be effective at flattening the curve and preventing many cases of infection.


You know, maybe we’re putting too much faith in masks to stop this thing? Just a thought:

Also, it appears this mask requirement doesn’t apply equally:

Of course not.


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