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Mayor de Blasio UNDER FIRE for threatening NYC's Jewish community with arrests after large Williamsburg funeral

Mayor Bill de Blasio is under fire over a series of tweets calling out the Jewish community for violating the city’s ban on large gatherings after hundreds of mourners attended a funeral in Williamsburg, Brooklyn for a rabbi who died from COVID-19:


Photos from the funeral:

“I have instructed the NYPD to have one standard for this whole city: zero tolerance”:


No arrests or summons were issued after the threat, however:

But it’s that middle tweet in the thread that’s gotten him in trouble:

It’s an issue and everyone knows it’s an issue:

What he said is not even close to being representative of the Jewish community in NYC at large:


“You lowlife cretinous bobblehead”:

HE gets to go to the gym. HE gets to drive to Brooklyn every day for a walk. But not anyone else:

“Words do not exist to describe the criminal incompetence at City Hall”:


ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt called him out as well:


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