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FLASHBACK 2/24: Chris Cuomo hosted a town hall with Bernie Sanders despite having a fever

Chris Cuomo is still on the job and broadcasting from his basement even though he is suffering from COVID-19, which he says “you do not want”:


We wish the younger Cuomo well. We really do. But we also need to point out his highly irresponsible behavior back on February 24 when he hosted a town hall with Bernie Sanders despite having a fever:

He was called out at the time for continuing to work without getting a coronavirus test and putting others, including the high-risk elderly socialist from Vermont at risk:

His symptoms then were literally COVID-19 symptoms:

With a fever, he was right next to Sanders on stage!


And it was obvious he was sick:

We’ll also note he was highly irresponsible with how he dealt with his elderly mom who, according to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, was visiting with Chris “not that many days ago”:


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