MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough is not happy with President Trump’s SOTU claims that the economy is better off today than it was under President Obama.
“The lies were preposterous, and for some reason the press keeps feeding into this hype that somehow his economy is so much better than former economies,” said one of the president’s favorite media talking head during the 2016 election:
"The lies were preposterous, and for some reason the press keeps feeding into this hype that somehow his economy is so much better than former economies." — Joe Scarborough
LOL—yeah, that's the problem, Joe—the MSM is too pro-Trump. ???
— Mark Finkelstein (@markfinkelstein) February 5, 2020
But last night, Joe shared this chart that — SURPRISE — showed that economy is doing better under Trump than under Obama:
Jimmy Carter’s “Malaise” economy soared compared to the Trump slump of 2019.
Weak 2.3% growth despite his massive handouts to multinational corporations through reckless tax cuts.— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) February 5, 2020
That’s a fun trick there, Joe. Share a chart that shows GDP is better than Obama, Bush 43 and Bush 41 and then talk about how great it was during Jimmy Carter’s administration?
People have lost their every-loving minds.