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HAHAHA: After the debate, Bernie fans get #WarrenIsASnake, #NeverWarren and #CNNisTrash trending

You can cancel Elizabeth Warren off the list of potential Dem unity candidates after last night’s debate. The Bernie fans are mad:


As we write this post, #WarrenIsASnake is the No. 1 trending topic in the U.S.:

#NeverWarren was also trending earlier:

Did Dems think there was going to be any other outcome? Bernie’s fans haven’t changed:

Even funnier? They’re mad at CNN, too:

You see, CNN dared to ask about why Bernie thinks a woman can’t be president:

Welcome to the party, guys:

Don’t let Brian Stelter see this:


And it will only get uglier:

And this is spot on: If Biden falters, the Dems are in big, big trouble:


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