Trump critic Mitt Romney is at the White House right now to…talk vaping:
“Listening session on youth vaping”
Cabinet Room— Jérôme Cartillier (@jcartillier) November 22, 2019
And it’s reportedly getting “heated” at Mitt wants to ban flavored vape juice:
Things are getting pretty heated at the vaping event:
"Romney clashed multiple times with vaping advocates."
— Seung Min Kim (@seungminkim) November 22, 2019
Mitt wrongly claimed that adults weren’t using flavored liquids, which angered the pro-vaping folks in the room:
Scene at the White House, per pool:
"Romney said 'most adults are not using flavors,' provoking vaping leaders to shout back 'yes they do,' offering adult sales statistics."
— Burgess Everett (@burgessev) November 22, 2019
He also claimed that half of Utah high schoolers are vaping:
At White House meeting on vaping, Mitt Romney clashed multiple times with vaping advocates. "Utah is a Mormon state, and half the kids in high school are vaping," he said, per the press pool.
— Michael Collins (@mcollinsNEWS) November 22, 2019
The Utah Republican is particularly concerned with “unicorn poop” flavored juice:
@MittRomney versus the vapers, per pool:
"most adults are not using flavors", provoking vaping leaders to shout back "yes they do."
Romney claimed vaping companies sold a flavor called "unicorn poop" to appeal to children.— Nathaniel Weixel (@NateWeixel) November 22, 2019
And, no, this isn’t a joke:
During the great Vape debate at the White House, Mitt Romney claiming vaping companies are selling a flavor called "unicorn poop" to appeal to children. #NotAJoke
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) November 22, 2019
TBH, unicorn poop sounds delicious:
According to journos, President Trump said they will be banning flavored liquids for 21 and under:
Trump on vaping ban "21 we are going to be doing," per White House pool report, at White House mtg. with firms and opponents.
Also, Sen Mitt Romney, R.-Utah, complaining that vaping co's are selling "unicorn poop" vaping flavors to kids
— Dan Vergano (@dvergano) November 22, 2019
And that he’s worried about black market items if he bans all flavored products:
Per WH pool, President Trump expressed concerns that prohibition could lead to unsafe black market products.
"…it is going to come here illegally… they could be selling something on a street corner that could be horrible."
— Jessica Smith (@JessicaASmith8) November 22, 2019
Oh, and as for impeachment? Mitt wouldn’t answer:
I twice asked Mitt Romney if he will vote to remove Trump from office
Romney did not respond
— Steven Nelson (@stevennelson10) November 22, 2019
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