In a response to Lara Trump, Politico’s Jake Sherman wants everyone to know that after Richard Nixon’s landslide win in 1972 where he won 49 states and 60+% of the popular vote, he was impeached:
Nixon won 49 states and he was impeached.
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) September 29, 2019
This is, of course, not true as Nixon was never impeached:
How the hell do reporters not know Nixon wasn't impeached?
— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) September 29, 2019
Hours later, Sherman issued this clarification:
To clarify: the house did not vote to impeach Nixon. They started the process and he resigned.
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) September 29, 2019
Just take the L:
That's not a clarification. You were just plain wrong.
— Hey, guys (@jtLOL) September 29, 2019
Hillary Clinton was elected president in 2016.
To clarify: Hillary Clinton was not elected president in 2016. She ran for president and lost the election.
— Jeff Dobbs (@jeffdobbs) September 29, 2019
Why is it so hard for “journalists” to get basic facts straight? Stupidity? Confirmation bias? All of the above?
— sam henry (@gubanok) September 29, 2019
That’s called a correction, not a clarification.
— Snowdog (@kmbinch) September 29, 2019
“To clarify: I’m wrong.”
— A Standard Deviation (@ARogueEngineer) September 29, 2019
You tried to dunk on her and the ball bounced up and got stuck in the rafters. Just move on.
— Hey, guys (@jtLOL) September 29, 2019
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