Since we’re sure to hear more about how climate change is an existential threat and all at tonight and tomorrow’s CNN-moderated debates in Detroit, this tweet from Oliver Darcy has us wondering how big the carbon footprint actually is for this event:
It took over 100 people eight days to build the set for CNN’s Democratic debates. Nine 53-foot semi-trucks were needed to haul in all the equipment.
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) July 30, 2019
They couldn’t have used say 4 semi-trailers worth of stuff instead? Like, does CNN need 25 cameras?
Some more stats: There are more than 500 lights, and 25 cameras at the debate location.
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) July 30, 2019
You see, *they* don’t have to worry about *their* climate footprint:
and each candidate will declare that the climate is a national emergency…when this could have been held at lots of places without needing such an elaborate staging
— justaplainGuy (@oneplainGuy) July 30, 2019
Doesn’t sound very carbon neutral.
— MGB (@BeefTheTeaLeaf) July 30, 2019
That's a lot of carbon emission
— Shane Styles (@shaner5000) July 30, 2019
That couldn’t have been good for climate change.
— dawn (@cheeky_dawn) July 30, 2019
that doesn't sound very "climate friendly"
— Darlene Lelonek (@dpvpinBuffalo) July 30, 2019
Good to know CNN is so environmentally friendly and conscious
— BlueEyes (@BlueEyeExplore) July 30, 2019
And it’s not just the environmental damage. Putting local news outlets out of business costs money, too
Now THIS is how news networks should spend money
— Spineless Media (@spinelessmedia) July 30, 2019
Exit observation: All the American flags must’ve been in that 10th truck that didn’t make the trip:
And not one USA flag in sight – smh
— UCFierce (@Poppa_Ghosts) July 30, 2019
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