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SIREN: Facebook just shut down the 'Right Wing News' page with its 3.1 million followers

The New York Times is reporting that Facebook shut down a number of American-run pages today, including “Right Wing News” which has over 3 million subscribers:


From the NYT:

After Dr. Blasey testified, Right Wing News posted several false stories about her — including the suggestion that her lawyers were being bribed by Democrats — and then used the network of Facebook pages and accounts to share the pieces so that they proliferated online quickly, social media researchers said.

The result was a real-time spreading of disinformation started by Americans, for Americans.

What Right Wing News did was part of a shift in the flow of online disinformation, falsehoods meant to mislead and inflame. In 2016, before the presidential election, state-backed Russian operatives exploited Facebook and Twitter to sway voters in the United States with divisive messages. Now, weeks before the midterm elections on Nov. 6, such influence campaigns are increasingly a domestic phenomenon fomented by Americans on the left and the right.

A total of 559 pages and 221 accounts were affected:


Facebook allegedly removed the accounts for using “‘inauthentic’ accounts as admins”:

And “because they’ve ‘consistently broken our rules against spam and coordinated inauthentic behavior.'”

But it sure does look like a cute way to censor what they don’t like:




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