West Virginia Republican candidate for Senate, Don Blankenship, is gone:
Projection: Don Blankenship (R) loses #WVSEN primary.
— Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) May 9, 2018
NEW: Don Blankenship will lose the West Virginia GOP Senate primary, CNN projects https://t.co/m7wfzC9zYa w/ @ericbradner
— Dan Merica (@merica) May 9, 2018
It’s still too close to call a winner, however:
So, how about those predictions, MSM?
It looks like Blankenship is going to come in third in his primary despite the media’s inexcusable focus on him and complete blackout of his opponents.
I mean how do you explain the press having most of their reporters in WV covering the 3rd place primary finisher? https://t.co/DjEXU2DYgr
— (((AG))) (@AG_Conservative) May 9, 2018
Looks like the predictions about Blankenship surging to a win were…way off. https://t.co/oH1T2NzHg0
— Josh Mound (@JoshuaMound) May 9, 2018
So who made up the bad polls in WV and retailed them to create a pseudo -event?
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) May 9, 2018
So, uh… what was with those Blankenship polls?
— Josh Perry (@MrJoshPerry) May 9, 2018
Oh wait, you're telling me I'm not supposed to trust those internal polls that were leaked without sponsors or name of pollster?
— (((Harry Enten))) (@ForecasterEnten) May 9, 2018
And this has brought liberals and conservatives together to give a shout out to Mitch McConnell, who Blankenship nicknamed “Cocaine Mitch“:
Mitch McConnell tonight pic.twitter.com/D6Fjk8At9j
— Igor Bobic (@igorbobic) May 9, 2018
Enjoying a frosty mug of cocaine, Mitch? https://t.co/YX8qaVi4gG
— Paul Begala (@PaulBegala) May 9, 2018
Somewhere, Cocaine Mitch gives a soft chuckle. https://t.co/JasSakNQy5
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) May 9, 2018
McConnell, softly right now:
"Cocaine Mitch go woo on a bitch"
— Justin Miller (@justinjm1) May 9, 2018
Mitch McConnell watching Don Blankenship RN #WVsenate pic.twitter.com/mHIX6duxrQ
— Evan Siegfried (@evansiegfried) May 9, 2018
Cocaine Mitch RN pic.twitter.com/NyCLD3FzJm
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) May 9, 2018
Don’t ya bitch with Cocaine Mitch. pic.twitter.com/r5fR5RdNoV
— The Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) May 9, 2018
Cocaine Mitch rn pic.twitter.com/cqpmDMr1RB
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) May 9, 2018
To Cocaine Mitch, one of the greatest inventions of 2018.
— Mickey White (@BiasedGirl) May 9, 2018
Cocaine Mitch, it's a helluva drug.
— Ramesh Ponnuru (@RameshPonnuru) May 9, 2018
'He is the GREATEST'! Please oh PLEASE let this scoop on Mitch McConnell be true! https://t.co/wZuAl7MrHv
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) May 8, 2018
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