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Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) pulled out his loaded .38 Smith & Wesson during meeting with @MomsDemand volunteers

Well, this will certainly get the attention of the anti-gunners:


Bonus? Rep. Norman, who represents South Carolina’s 5th congressional district, was meeting with Moms Demand at the time:

He was making a point that guns are only dangerous in the hands of criminals:

From the Post and Courier:

Norman told The Post and Courier he pulled out the weapon and placed it on a table for several minutes in attempt to make a point that guns are only dangerous in the hands of criminals. He was speaking to constituents about gun violence during a public meeting at a diner in Rock Hill.

“I’m not going to be a Gabby Giffords,” U.S. Rep. Ralph Norman said afterward, referring to a former Arizona congresswoman who was shot outside a Tucson-area grocery store in 2011. “I don’t mind dying, but whoever shoots me better shoot well or I’m shooting back.”


Shannon Watts of Moms Demand was not amused:

And much to Ms. Watts’ chagrin, Norman isn’t backing down:

Good for him.


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