As we told you earlier, people from both sides of the aisle are mocking an allegedly sarcastic tweet from Sally Kohn to the point where it has quickly become a meme of its own.
First up, here’s her tweet again and the now viral “straightforward from here”:
Straightforward from here:
1. Impeach Trump & Pence
2. Constitutional crisis
3. Call special election
4. Ryan v Clinton
5. President Clinton— Sally Kohn (@sallykohn) February 15, 2017
And now from some of the funnier other “straightforward from here” posts we’ve seen. Enjoy!
Straightforward from here:
1. 106 miles to Chicago
2. Full tank of gas
3. Half a pack of cigarettes
4. It’s dark
5. We’re wearing sunglasses— brian feldman (@bafeldman) February 15, 2017
straightforward from here
1. early lunch
2. day drinking
3. stand on roof of building laughing maniacally
4. stare into void
5. tacos— Jason Linkins (@dceiver) February 15, 2017
Straightforward from here:
1 Exile Trump to Mars
2 Feed Pence to lion
3 Special election
4 Cancel special election
5 Appoint Beyonce empress— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) February 15, 2017
Straightforward from here:
1. I have a pen
2. I have an apple
3. Apple pen— Matt King (@TheRealMattKing) February 15, 2017
Straightforward from here:
1. Trump leans against bookshelf
2. Shelf spins, hidden room revealed
3. Nic Cage is there
4. National Treasure 3— Brian Grubb (@briancgrubb) February 15, 2017
Ok, I'll play
Straightforward from here:
1. Impeach Trump & Bibi
2. Tzipi for UN secgen
3. Mideast peace
4. Rabbi Obama
5. President Clinton— David Hazony (@davidhazony) February 15, 2017
Straightforward from here
1. Unicorn emerges from snowy VT woods
2. Unicorn can fly
3. Bernie flies on unicorn to DC
4. President Sanders— Caroline McCarthy (@caro) February 15, 2017
Straightforward from here:
1. Leave the gun
2. Take the cannoli
3. Become corleone
4. Buy GTA 5
5. Game and post more
6. Win life— Gideon Resnick (@GideonResnick) February 15, 2017
1. Impeach Trump & Pence
2. ???
3. Gold Cee-Lo v. Clinton
4. Emperor Gold Cee-Lo— Keith Lee (@associatesmind) February 15, 2017
Straightforward from here:
1 Impeach Trump & Pence
2 Constitutional crisis
3 Junta appoints Eric Garland
4 Adderall in every pot
5 <THREADS>— Adam H. Johnson (@adamjohnsonNYC) February 15, 2017
Straightforward from here:
1. You've got to turn me around
2. And put ur feet on the ground
3. Now take the hold of all
4. Ahhh
5. FOOTLOOSE— Madison Malone Kircher (@4evrmalone) February 15, 2017
Follow along with all the more recent entries here.
Sally Kohn attempts 'sarcasm,' gets MOCKED over her grasp of constitutional law instead
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) February 15, 2017
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