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BUSTED: Shaun King deletes tweet on the fake nooses at the University of Delaware [screenshot]

As we reported earlier, the “nooses” found at the University of Delaware after Katie Pavlich’s speech weren’t nooses at all, but actually string and wire hangars for paper lanterns hung from the tree during an earlier event.


Good news, right? If there wasn’t a hate crime at a major university, this should be cause for a celebration, right?

Not really.

We included a tweet from the Daily Kos’s Shaun King in our earlier post where King said:

Nooses hung up on the University of Delaware (@UDelaware) campus the day after a #BlackLivesMatter rally. America.

— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) September 23, 2015

“America,” home of fake hate crime?

That tweet has since been deleted, but here’s a screenshot:

King explains his version of how he was duped:

What’s so “wild” about it? Those “nooses” never looked like “nooses” in the first place. And they most certainly weren’t attached by “ropes.”

Just fess up and apologize for stoking the racial flames, heh?



‘Nooses’ spotted at Univ. of Del. after Katie Pavlich’s speech disrupted by #BlackLivesMatter protest [photos]; Update: Not a hate crime. Hooks were for paper lanterns

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