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'You guys are Pravda': CNN airs the 'very moment' Chris Cuomo emerged from quarantine AND IT'S A LIE!

EVERYONE knows that Chris Cuomo and his family broke their coronavirus quarantine and were out and about on Easter Sunday. It’s a fact.

But now CNN and Fredo want us to believe this BS that this is “the very moment” he “emerged from his basement”?


GTFO of here. Oh, and watch the video. He claims the CDC cleared him which really means he says he’s met its guidelines to leave the house, which he didn’t follow on Easter:

Apples, bananas:

And rather than calling out Cuomo for his past bad behavior, CNN airs this:

EVERYONE should be dragging him, and not just our side:

Rather than air this lie, CNN should investigate where else their star went and who he might have infected:


Nah, he’ll give his baby brother a pass:

They’re lying right to our faces:

Total garbage network:



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