One thing we are most definitely not talking about enough right now is the fiscal cliff small business owners all around America are about to drive over never to return thanks to the shutdown orders in various states:
I marvel at how people talk about these shutdowns. Literally marvel at it. My jaw hangs open.
“Just close the doors of your steel mill until mid-April. Then we’ll let you know. No big deal.”
America needs fewer college degrees and a lot more real world experience. A LOT more.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) March 20, 2020
Can the politicians please start paying attention to this? Because the anger is coming:
Dear Politicians,
As of this moment the public is scared and they’re letting you shut America down. However, we’re about to have unemployment claims in the MILLIONS and their fear is gonna turn to anger. Anger at YOU.
Let America get back to work. And I mean REALLY soon.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) March 20, 2020
Those $1000/adult checks just won’t cut it:
All the $1000 government checks in the world won’t even make a DENT in the public anger that’s about to rise and I’m shocked more people cannot see this. Shocked. 20-30% unemployment is coming. And coming very soon. You cannot shut this country down without HUGE consequences.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) March 20, 2020
America is about to experience a sea change. Politicians at every level will be tossed out. EVERY level. It’s unavoidable unless this country gets back to work. All the “flattening the curve” guidance and scary Italy headlines in the world won’t matter. It is coming.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) March 20, 2020
Do not make the mistake of believing 30% unemployment won’t land on YOUR favorite politicians lap. Nobody knows the changes that will happen when the public is that scared and desperate, but they will be BIG changes. And likely not good ones.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) March 20, 2020
I know this won’t be popular, but you can feel free to call your mommy if you want soothing words.
The American people are not scared of ANY disease badly enough to wipe out their lives. Find a way to fight China Virus with us working again, or pay the price.
That’s all.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) March 20, 2020
Jesse also shared this story of a small business in his area that is fiscally sound, doing everything right and . . . has a month before it all falls apart:
Let me tell you a little story about 91 men and women in my area. 91 people with bills, families, and all the things you have:
Just hung up the phone with my buddy who owns a company. It’s a retail company selling fairly expensive things most of you own…
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) March 20, 2020
Now understand this. His company is one of those budding superstar companies. The kind opening new locations. The kind that could go public and put my buddy on a yacht the rest of his life…
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) March 20, 2020
Of course, it helped that my buddy’s dad was a BIG shot oil executive for years and helped him structure everything about the thing when he started it about a decade ago…
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) March 20, 2020
They are in ROCK solid financial shape (thanks for the wisdom, Dad). Better than 95% of American companies. 40% of business investment income in cash, not over leveraged, etc.. I mean rock solid books…
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) March 20, 2020
Guess how long he has until they close at this current rate of business.
One month. One month. Businesses, no matter how solid, CANNOT drop to zero revenue. They cannot. Business expenses are just too much. They’ll crush you…
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) March 20, 2020
So back to those 91 employees. Those are all his. Their clock started ticking a few days ago. (And many employees across America already had their clock run out.)
91 families about to be destitute if we don’t open America again. And that’s from a solid company.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) March 20, 2020
Open this country up again. And soon. If someone tells you locking everyone inside is the only way, fire them and find someone else. Not a recession, but a Great Depression is coming. And it’s coming fast.
That’s all.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) March 20, 2020
The clock is ticking:
Well you’ve got about another week I’d guess. Maybe two at the most. Then people are gonna start going back to work BECAUSE YOU CANNOT JUST SHUT DOWN THE LARGEST ECONOMY IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) March 20, 2020
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